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Monday, October 15, 2007

Opt-in Email Generation And Your Website

Starting an Internet business can and should be done on a shoe string budget.


If you do have the scratch [money] to invest in your business then I suggest you do so. The funny thing about investing YOUR MONEY in your business is that; well it’s "your money". Heck, I'm no spring chicken and I need to get my business moving. So I have decided that in order to free up time to create another stream of income I need to outsource.

I’ve always wanted to build a large email list of people interested in online business and the many components it takes to build it into a successful empire. To achieve the email addresses of any semi-targeted market you need to offer something only that market would be interested in and offer it at no charge.

Yes…give it away!

So, I outlined a 35+ page report and requested bids on compiling it into a PDF. Along with the PDF I will be an audio/video for those who respond well to visuals. I will convert my home page into a landing page for people to opt into my email list. Those who receive the PDF can share it as long as the Reprint Guidlines are followed.

I will have a cool book and CD e-cover created; get a professional photo and some irresistable but short copy and viola the email signups should start to roll in.

Well not exactly…

To continue generating traffic to my homepage/landing page/squeeze page I will continue to submit articles to over 400 article directories at least once a week (with my link attached). I will also continue to add no more than 2 articles to my websites at least once a week.

Opt in email newsletters should offer something of value for the first 3 weeks with no more than 3 emails per week [and maybe a broadcast]. I will build a trusting relationship with my list and hopefully they will look forward to hearing from me. Occationally I will offer my products for sale and affiliate products that I have purchased and successfully used.

With all the responsibilities I have, adding articles to my website has fallen by the wayside for the last two weeks and I feel terrible about it :-(. In my defence, I have been doing a large amount of Keyword and Keyword Phrase research to ensure that the articles I put out are worth putting out.

Until next time…
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Buenos dias

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