I've received a few questions from my subscriber list regarding lead Capture
Page design but none regarding copy-writing. This was my response to them.
As you know your layout can be the best looking but if your content (sometimes
called ad-copy) isn't up to par then you have wasted your time
getting your market to your website because they will soon click
Remember, you have up to 3 seconds to attract the
attention of a visitor to your website. I wanted to give you a few
tip and examples that will keep your readers engaged in your dialog.
Some of this I have touched on in previous emails now I'd like to
walk you through the psychology of prospects.
to write like your having a conversation with the reader you do not
want them to feel like they are reading from an encyclopedia:
- Introduce yourself. Talk about how you got
into the business your marketing and what makes you authority in
the field (how long have you been in the field). This give the reader
a human connection with someone they can't see. You can split test
using capture pages with pictures and capture pages without pictures
you can also test the types of pictures (professional or laid back). - Transition into the emotion behind why you had
to come up with a product or service.- People will buy or signup to something based on emotion. Emotion
can cover a wide range of feeling's such as:- Desire
- Greed
- Envy
- Love
- Frustration
- Anger
- Sadness
- Desire
Example: "After working a dead end job for 21 years I was laid off with a dwindling savings account, 3 kids, 1 on the way and no other sources of income so I had no choice
but to..." Many people can relate to that story and since people
love a story your will have them hooked there by overcoming the "
3 second attract their attention rule". - People will buy or signup to something based on emotion. Emotion
- Logic: After you get the reader emotionally
charged up you must bring them back down to the reality of why signing
up or purchasing your product is the right decision to make.
If you fail this step you won't receive any purchases or
signups. You have to explain the logic behind why your
product out performs your competition.- Bullet points
- Facts & figures
- Guarantees
- Comparisons
- Testimonials
- When your justifying why your product is the best
it is better to use analogies rather than simply stating the fact.
- When your justifying why your product is the best
Example: Instead of Gieco saying their
product is "simple and easy to follow"; they say its "so
easy a Cave Man could do it!" - Bullet points
- Make it worth their while... Being an Online
Entrepreneur you have an advantage over most big businesses. You can
give more free bonuses to entice your market. Now lets be clear, your
free bonus has to be something worthwhile. If word gets out that your
giving away junk your purchases and signups will drop off before they
- Limited offer.
- 2 copies left.
- free trial period ends...
- The price goes up to ___ after...
- Limited offer.
- DELIVER ON YOUR PROMISES FROM #3. Your in business
for longevity, There is no better Marketing than "word of mouth".
If you make promises and deliver it will get around that your product,
service and support is high quality and you will start to see a steadier
flow of traffic to your website. On the flip side, if you make promises
you can't keep then... well, you know.
type mine in a program called NoteTab and then transfer it to my capture
page, then start formating it (colors, font size, quotes, Johnson boxes,
etc), then replace certain words with KEYWORDS obtained from GOOGLE'S
KEYWORD SEARCH TOOL that are relevant to my market. Then I add my Meta
TAGS, Title, description, etc.
Then I put my autoresponder signup box
on the page, PROOF READ IT!, publish it to the web read it and sign up
myself to test the autoresponder. Then I like to use Google PPC to get
quick traffic to the page to see if my content is what it should be.
You may have to let someone else read it (I do this also).
I suggest you tell one of your smartest friends or family members the
objective of the page before letting them read it. Then ask them to read
it then see if it conveniences them to signup or buy. If not
ask them where on the page did they lose interest, then correct and repeat.
You may want to switch proof readers just to get a fresh pair of eyes on it.
It would be even better to have someone in the market read it.
Once you've done it a few times you will be able to pump
out Capture page content with little to no effort. If you can write an
enticing capture page your online profits will only be limited to how many
websites and products in different markets you can effectively
service and support.
Best regards,
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