Many people are enticed by businesses they can start with little or no money. Is it possible to start an Internet Business with no money?
I did it, but I'll be the first but not the last to tell you that I would have saved a bunch of time and heartache if I'd had some cash to hire someone who knows how to achieve and launch successful marketing/sales campaigns.
In other words, If I could have paid someone to do all the tedious/grunt work I'd be further along in my Internet Marketing than I am now. Oh, well.
Don't get me wrong, I've learned a lot about marketing strategy, some of what it takes to be successful at Google Adwords, Email marketing, list building, keyword research and article marketing.
There are some other tid bits I've picked up along my year and two month Internet marketing experience but it's late and I can't remember everything at the moment.
One important fact that I've learned is that optimizing your website is a compilation of factors that work together to build website popularity in your market. Some people think if they generate tons of backlinks they will start receiving enormous amounts of traffic.
Quality Backlinks are great to have but are not the overall determining factor in website optimization. The most important skills for an aspiring Internet entrepreneur to have would be:
- determination
- perseverance
- drive
- pride
- organization
- analytical skills
With these 6 skills the rest will fall into place like devoting a substantial amount of time to your business. Learning from and moving past failure. Taking challenges head on. Ensuring you are offering your market something of value. Keeping everything related to your business organized such as files, folders, etc. Last but not least knowing how to determine where there are opportunities for improvement and capital gain in the long and short run.
Let this marinate and I'll talk to you soon,
Will C.
Hi there, I would like to first say that I find your material informative and relevant. But, I must disagree with you. It is almost impossible to start an online business with no money. However, I do agree that having inside knowledge of internet marketing and its tatics is very important. However, why hire someone when there are so many resources available to assist us. I would rather save the cash and educate myself. Let's take James Brausch for example. He has dedicated his life to developing ways to educate us on how to successfully develop, manage, and market online business. One of the products that he offers that has been a dream come true to me is his Freedom Business System. I learned how to take charge of my business, develop a business system and still have freedom. A lot of us start of devoting every moment we have to getting our businesses up and running; but, instead of staying in the dark and clueless or paying other people to learn the business for us we should educate ourselves and be impowered by those whom have been in the business longer and have the experience and want to share their wisdom.
Good day Michelle,
You can start an online business with no money like, creating a blog using Blogger (free).
Submitting your own blog to directories (free). Writing your own articles, reasearching and compiling your own content. Social networking, Adsence, etc. But this is just to start, maintain and grow you will have to make some sort of monitary investment (I totaly agree with you on this).
I recommend learning the "tricks of the trade" prior to contracting help because you must know what your hiring them to do. If you were to hire a Web developement firm, SEO firm and a Marketing firm and the only instructions you gave was "make me a successful website" I don't know what kind of response you would get.
You should never be "in the dark and clueless" about how your business will turn a profit. In order to grow, most successful business people either train other personel or contract the work out (giving detailed insturctions).
Mentors and successfull business people who are willing to share their strategies are great. In fact I will one day become one of these people. There is so much bad, outdated and sometimes wrong information out there that it makes it hard for some to start and online business. I will have to checkout some of the work of James Brauch, thanks.
Talk to you soon,
Will C.
There is a point there. But in order to be more effective in increasing the site traffic and ranking, you should get some softwares to help you in this is some how not free. A program called Artemis pro by James D. Brausch is a great value in order for you to have a greater edge.
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